Hidden Gluten Sources That May Surprise You
Unexpected Sources of Gluten
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First published: 23.Oct.2020
Gluten hidden in plain sight
I wrote this article for an online wellness magazine, that has since modified its layout, eliminating the article. However, since nothing ever disappears from the Internet, I will give you a link to it further down, and transcribe below. It is as valid now as it was then, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.
This article deals with hidden gluten sources, gluten that you'd not expect to find in a given food, yet it somehow has made its way into the ingredients list. Gluten is pervasive and you will find it hidden in plain sight in many foods and cosmetics. Here we delve into the foods you may be surprised to find out, contain gluten.
About this Article
Hidden Sources of Gluten, A. Whittall
©2024 Fit-and-Well.com, 23.Oct. 2020. Updated. 17 Oct. 2024. Next Update scheduled for 17 Oct. 2027. https://www.fit-and-well.com/hidden-sources-of-gluten.html
Tags: gluten, SIBO, celiac, wheat allergy.