Worrying Well: the positive side of worrying
Why Anxiety is Good For You
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First published: 03. Dec.2024
Worrying is natural, it is a reaction to anxiety caused by potential threats. Instead of avoiding the problem and ignoring it, a hands-on active coping attitude is a positive way to face worries. This article will explore the positive side of worrying and explain some skills and techniques that will help you overcome your worries and live a happier life.
References and Further Reading
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Suzuki, W., & Fitzpatrick, B., (2021). Good anxiety: Harnessing the power of the most misunderstood emotion. Atria Books
Dennis-Tiwary, T., (2022). Future tense: why anxiety is good for you (even though it feels bad. First edition. New York, NY, Harper Wave
About this Article
Worrying Well: the positive side of worrying, A. Whittall
©2024 Fit-and-Well.com. First Published: 03.Dec.2024. Update scheduled for 03.Dec.2027. https://www.fit-and-well.com/wellness/worrying-well.html
Tags: anxiety, stress, coping, outdoors, exercise, optimism, worrying.