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First published: 14.Oct.2018
Realistic Weight Loss Tips
Successful weight loss requires a plan, persistence, and staying power. There are no pills, herbal remedies, or quick fixes to help you do it.
Weight loss is linked to better health, so get rid of those extra pounds and you will notice how your life quality improves.
This page links to many online resources on our website that will help you understand the science behind effective weight loss, how to do it safely, and most importantly, how to keep it off.
You will find plenty of interesting tips, advice, and information, from dieting tips to exercises, healthy eating tips to cutting bad habits.
A weight loss program is not about fad diets, gimmicks, weight loss pills, or grueling workout regimes, it is about eating better and being more active.
Read on below, and good luck with your weight loss journey.
There are many tips on weight loss, but the key tip is to create a caloric deficit (eat less, burn more energy, and make your body burn its fat stores).
Below is the energy balance of your body.
Energy intake = Energy consumed + Energy stored
Your goal is to eliminate the stored energy, to do so you there are several strategies.
Reduce energy intake so that it is smaller than the consumed energy (healthy diet plan).
Increase consumed energy beyond the energy intake (exercise and physical activity).
Both strategies will create a "gap" in your energy balance known as "Caloric Deficit".
This gap will be covered by using up the stored energy; your fat reserves.
The food you eat provides your body with energy. If you overeat or aren't active enough, your body will store the surplus energy as fat.
Fat builds up and adds pounds to your weight.
Therefore, you should implement real changes in your diet and level of physical activity to reduce caloric intake and increase energy expenditure.
Your body will not have any surplus energy to store as fat, and if you "burn" more than you eat, your body will have to consume its cache of stored fat.
Weight Loss requires that you change your current habits; you should modify your lifestyle.
Lifestyle changes for weight loss
Eat less.
Be more physically active.
Eat a balanced and healthy diet.
Aim at a sustainable goal of losing around 1 to 2 lb per week (0.5 to 1 kg).
Don't try fad diets, gimmick gadgets, or diet pills because they may have short-term effects, but if you stop using them you will revert to your "old" habits and regain the lost weight.
Six things you can do right now to lose weight
This is a shortlist with 6 Tips for weight loss:
As a first step calculate your BMI (use our BMI - Body Mass Index Calculator), it will tell you where you stand today (a BMI over 25 means you are overweight). Set a weight goal for a BMI below or equal to 25 (Our tool lets you do this).
Define your daily Diet Calorie requirements using Daily Diet Calorie Calculator, it will give you the value of your daily calorie intake for your diet based on your desired level of a caloric deficit.
Rethink what you plan to eat for the rest of the day and cut down on alcohol, sugary drinks, processed foods, food with added sugar, and colas.
Increase your physical activity: Get up and walk, take the stairs, do some gardening, get on your bike. In three words: be more active.
Start your Diet Diary: jot down your weight, your waist circumference, and everything you eat, you can calculate your calories for each meal and add them up to make sure you fulfill your daily calorie goal. It will motivate you to stick to your weight loss plan and track your goals.
Each of the pages we list below covers nutrition, weight loss, diet tips, and evidence on the science behind our advice, it will help you take informed decisions.
Resources on Diets and Weight Loss
Each of the following webpages has links to many resources covering nutrition, dieting, preparing and cooking healthy foods, balanced diets, and more! Enjoy.
Dangers of Belly Fat
Visceral fat has been linked to many health conditions: dementia, asthma, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and several types of cancer. Abdominal fat is a silent killer.
Body Mass Index is one of the ways used to calculate body fat and the associated health risks. Measure your height and weight and use our calculator to find out your BMI and what steps to take to improve your weight issues.
A balanced diet with healthy foods is the key to avoiding chronic diseases and keeping fit and healthy. Learn all about the nutrients in food, and the keys to a healthy diet.
Eating a healthy diet will make you feel your best and keep you in good health. Follow this simple eating plan and include the right mix of foods and nutrients so you can feel energetic and accomplish your weight-loss goals.
Tips to exercise more, lose weight, and get into shape. Fitness and exercise are as important as diet in your body weight control program. Feel fitter, leaner, and healthier.
A balanced diet is made up of the right proportions of each one of the different nutrients your body needs. Learn how much of each food group you should include in your diet.
Health risks of a large waistline: A Large Waist size, waist-to-hip ratio, and waist circumference are indicators of obesity, belly fat and an increased risk of dying soner. Learn the health risks of a large waistline
Visceral fat has been linked to many health conditions: diabetes, dementia, asthma, cardiovascular disease, and several types of cancer. Abdominal fat is a silent killer.
Eating a diet with a low carbohydrate content (20% of daily caloric needs) and high-fat content (60%) made participants burn more calories than those following a moderate or a high carb diet. It also improved triglycerides, HDL, and insulin resistance plus lowering the hunger hormone (Ghrelin) levels.
A balanced diet is made up of the right proportions of each one of the different nutrients your body needs. Learn how much of each food group you should include in your diet.
Eating a healthy diet will make you feel your best and keep you in good health. Follow this simple eating plan and include the right mix of foods and nutrients so you can feel energetic and accomplish your weight-loss goals.
Eat or skip breakfast? What is better for your weight loss plan? Those who eat breakfast tend to be slimmer than those who don't have it. Fast or feast?
Several studies have shown that there is a positive correlation between drinking more water than one usually drinks, and weight loss. In other words: drink more water and you will lose weight.
Vitamins are essential to health, they keep us alive and free from deficiency diseases. But, do we need supplements? What are the recommended intakes? And natural sources?
Olive oil, loaded with antioxidants and healthy omega fatty acids, larn the benefits of adding it to your diet: heart, liver, cancer and immune protection. Part of the Mediterranean Diet Extra virgin and virgin olive oils are good for your health.
Berries are great for your health; packed with antioxidants such as flavonoids and anthocyanines, they improve conditions like diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cholesterol levels, and even cancer and neurodegenerative diseases
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Fit and Well: Health, Fitness, Diet & Food information website Our website is a reliable source of up-to-date, scientifically proven information on health, fitness, wellbeing, diet, food, and nutrition.
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